Traditional Marriage is the first thing To Do Before Becoming The Real Husband Of A Woman; See Lovely Pictures

Traditional marriage is the first thing to do before becoming the real husband of a woman, you cannot do anything else first if not Traditional marriage . Even before you go to the church to do your white wedding you will be asked if you have done your traditional marriage before white wedding.

Because you cannot do white wedding without doing traditional marriage in Nigeria .

Then what is traditional marriage: it is the time you decide to get married to a girl and you go with your family to meet her parents and the first marriage ceremony that will take place either in their house or some other place that requires a local dressing is the traditional marriage.

It is the time that thing are done in a cultural way before getting married to a girl.

In Nigeria every tribe had its own way of doing their traditional marriage which they follow their culture and traditions .

In Igbo land, while the traditional marriage is going on the husband will be told to go to a different place to sit and the girl’s parents will pour palm wine in a cup and ask their child to bring her husband for them to see. The lady will start searching for her husband in all the canopies till she sees him and bring him to her parents.

And after she presents her husband to her parents, the parents will ask him some questions and he will answer and the ceremony will begin.

Then the local music will be played which makes it a traditional ceremony . The local instrument will be used to play for the couple’s to dance .

And after the traditional marriage has taken place the white wedding can now commence because a girl will be married traditionally first before any other ceremony.

Now here are the beautiful traditional marriage pictures that will make you not to think of White wedding.

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See Girl Born With Heart Outside Her Chest

Girl born with heart OUTSIDE her chest was rushed to hospital after her vulnerable organ was hit at school

Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun-Goncharova, aged 13, was hospitalised after her exposed heart – which can be seen beating outside her chest was injured by a classmate at school.

Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun-Goncharova, aged 8, suffers from thoraco-abdominal syndrome or Pantalogy of Cantrell, a condition so rare that it effects only 1 in a million births.

The little girl is trying to live a normal life but her best efforts to function at school were crushed recently when a classmate hit her in her vulnerable heart, causing the little girl to be hospitalised.

Her mum, Dari Borun, shared an Instagram post this week showing the little girl lying in a hospital bed strapped up with heart monitors.

Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun-Goncharova, aged 13, was hospitalised after she was hit in her heart(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

Her mum Dari Borun shared a video of the pair in hospital(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

Dari said that the pair have had severe difficulties since December with Virsaviya being in hospital frequently.

She said: “Virsaviya got hit in school to her heart today by mistake just because one boy is not being nice and careful around her all the time .

“So she was vomiting since that time, she was complaining that she feel pain in her heart, belly and head and that she feel cold . We are in the emergency room for so long , hungry and tired.

She suffers from thoraco-abdominal syndrome or Pantalogy of Cantrell and her heart is visible outside her chest(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

The a condition is so rare that it effects only 1 in a million births(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

“Her heart is not stable, oxygen is low,’ she said.

Dari moved the pair from their native Russia to the US in 2015 in the hope she could have life-prolonging surgery.

But after medical tests, doctors refused to operate as the little girl’s blood pressure was too high.

But Dari is adamant that her daughter’s health can and will be improved.

Virsaviya is taking medication to reduce her blood pressure and her mum hopes once it is at a stable level surgeons will operate.

The family have a fundraising page where they are raising money to help them cover expensive American medical bills.

Virsaviya moved with her mum from Russia to America in the hope that she could have surgery(Image: Instagram / dariborun)

But doctors refused to operate after medical tests showed that she had high blood pressure(Image: Instagram / dariborun)

The little girl has very complex medical needs. Her heart can be visibly seen beating outside her chest with only a thin layer of skin to protect it.

And as well as having her heart and intestines outside her chest since birth, she is also missing part of her chest bones and abdominal muscles, and doesn’t have a diaphragm.

But she is still a vibrant little girl who loves ponies, dancing, Beyonce and drawing.

She said: “When I’m getting dressed, I put soft clothes on to not hurt my heart.

“I walk around, I jump, I fly, I run, I’m not supposed to run but I love running.”

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Pimples: See 2020 Ways To Get Rid Of It

Pimples: 2020 Ways to Get rid of it

What are you in the mood for?

If you are reading this, you know what pimples are and realize they are not the good heroes that need to survive the entire movie. Blame it on the sebaceous glands that enter workaholic mode to produce excessive sebum, which when clumped together with dead skin cells, promote breakouts. To add to that, hormonal fluctuations during puberty further aggravate this process. You are here trying to scan for instant and effective pimple tips because you have probably had enough.Controlling the internal process might be a bit out of league, so let’s focus on home remedies to remove pimples. A diligent approach to applying home remedies for pimples can make a gradual impact in achieving clear skin. How To Remove Pimples At Home, Following simple pimple treatments at home can go a long way in improving your skin. We have listed down a few home remedies for pimples so you can successfully battle those ugly breakouts over the weekends.

1. Neem and Rose Water

Technique: Take some fresh neem leaves and grind them to form a thick paste. Pour a few drops of rose water into the paste and mix well. Ensure the paste is not too watery. Apply the paste evenly on skin. Once it’s completely dried, wash it off with water.

Benefits: Neem is known to be anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. Rose water works as a toner to soothe skin irritation and maintain the skin’s pH balance.

Duration: Wait for at least 20 minutes to let the paste dry.

2. Green Tea

Technique: The next time you have your sip of antioxidants, preserve a little green tea. Dip a cotton swab in cooled green tea and rub it gently all over the face. You can leave this overnight or wash it off after 30 minutes.

Benefits: As much as it makes for a good rejuvenating drink, green tea applied topically is also one of the ideal home remedies for pimples on face. Green tea is known for its anti-bacterial properties. Green tea is high in certain polyphenols that help discourage hormonally induced breakouts.

Duration: Wait for at least 30 minutes to let the paste dry.

3. Powdered Aspirin

Technique: Take three tablets of uncoated aspirin and crush them to a powder. Sprinkle some water on the powder to form a paste, maintaining a thick consistency. Slather this paste onto your skin. You can choose to use it as a spot treatment or apply all over the face. As aspirin is easily available over the counter, it can be used to create masks for pimple treatments at home.

Benefits: The Salicylic Acid in aspirin gets working to reduce pimples. The anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin help reduce redness when applied topically.

Duration: Wait for at least 20 minutes to let the paste dry.

At this point of read, you have a fair idea of easy tips on how to prevent pimples naturally at home. With a little patience and commitment, these home remedies for pimples will work like magic.Remember the last time you waited the entire weekend for that party and someone else decided to tag along too? Pimples are known to come unannounced yet ensure they grab attention while they last. You see that one pimple pop on your skin and your search history is instantly crowded with variations of “How to get rid of pimples in one day” or in time-sensitive circumstances, “how to get rid of pimples in an hour”. How To Get Rid Of Pimples Instantly

We have some secrets that would scare away the unwanted pimples from your skin in no time. How To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight (Almost)Since, skin cells regenerate and repair at night, as we sleep, it is best to remove pimples overnight with the help of methods or products that work for your skin. We have listed some tried and tested ways that can be answers to your perplexing question of ‘How to Get Rid of Pimples Overnight?’

1. Spot Treatments: Apply a strong concoction consisting one or all the following ingredients: Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Benzoyl Peroxide. They work as effective medicines for pimples on face. You can wake up in the morning, knowing the pimple has almost been driven out. Refrain from applying this solution all over the face as it is best used as a spot treatment.

2. Toothpaste: The antibacterial properties of toothpaste make it an ideal weapon to battle pimples. However, remember to avoid a gel-based or coloured toothpaste. Gently rub the paste on the pimple area before you sleep at night. The toothpaste will dry out the area, facilitating faster removal of the pimple.

3. Sulfur Mask: Sulfur unclogs pores and reduces the size of the existing swollen pimple. Apply the sulfur mask on the entire face or just target the pimple area. Follow the instructions on the package to leave the mask overnight or rinse off within a while.

4. Retinoids: If you have moderate to severe acne, it’s time to incorporate retinoids in your skincare regimen. This is because retinoids can help unclog pores, thereby allowing other medicated creams and gels to work better. They also reduce acne outbreaks by preventing dead cells from clogging pores and reduce the formation of acne scars. However, when you first introduce retinoid creams to your skin, you may notice redness, peeling and irritation, which will only get better with regular usage. Hence, it’s best consult a dermatologist who can recommend the correct dosage of the retinoid cream, your skin would essentially need.

How To Get Rid Of A Pimple In An Hour, The following pimple treatments put a deserving end to the frequently asked ‘How to reduce pimples?’ question.

Pimple treatments- benzoyl peroxide

1. Benzoyl Peroxide: You can get Benzoyl Peroxide over the counter or by consulting a dermatologist. Before you use, do a patch test since certain skin types tend to react negatively, causing redness. Use your ring finger to take a pea size amount of Benzoyl Peroxide cream and rub it in circular motions on the affected area.

2. Tea Tree Oil: As an antimicrobial agent, Tea Tree Oil effectively neutralizes bacteria and reduces any swelling or breakouts. Mix a little of it with your daily moisturizer or apply it individually on the pimple with the help of a cotton swab.

3. Ice Pack: ice, when rubbed on skin compresses or shrinks the size of pores and reduces pimples. Sometimes pimples are small but appear gigantic because of the swelling and inflammation. An ice pack soothes the inflamed area and make the pimple seem smaller.

If you are looking for long-term solutions to handle pimples, we would advise supplementing your skincare regime with clinical treatments. These pimple treatments might require a few sittings based on the intensity of your skin condition. Best Pimple Treatments with a Clinical Approach you can stop worrying about how to cure pimples by signing up for a long-term treatment for pimples on face by consulting a dermatologist.

1. Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion should be implemented only in case of severe acne. In this procedure, a wire brush rapidly rotates on skin, peeling off the top layer. It exposes fresh and new layers of skin that are healthier than the previous one. This procedure works as an effective removal tip for pimples on face.

2. Chemical Peels: In this procedure, the doctor applies a chemical-based solution in the form of a mask to your skin. The mask helps unclog pores and removes dead skin cells. Moreover, it promotes the regeneration of new skin.

3. Rolling A needle-studded device is moved over the skin surface to stimulate the tissue. The procedure takes a while to reflect results and requires repeated sittings. It is one of the safest techniques but don’t expect fast results.

4. Laser: There are different kinds of laser treatments, all of which require focusing laser on the affected skin while leaving out the sensitive areas. Lasers are effective and one of the best pimple treatments, though they tend to leave your skin with redness and dryness. This can be handled with moisturizers and ice packs.

 Tips on How to Prevent Pimples, Once you have achieved a clear complexion, it is only wise to steer off the possibility of pimples. Learn more about how to avoid pimples with our tips.

Avoid giving into the temptation of popping pimples or fidgeting with them. This could result in spreading bacteria and thus, more pimples.

Avoid applying oil-based makeup products on a regular basis. Even if you do, ensure you take it all off with a thorough cleansing routine before you call it a day.

Always keep your hair clean and non-greasy, ensure that no excess oil from your scalp comes in contact with your skin. Also, be careful while using haircare products, they shouldn’t touch your face at any point of time.

One of best treatments for acne is to opt for OTC treatments that will get the job done quite effectively. These are available in the form of cleansing gels, creams, lotions, foams, serums etc. Look for active such ingredients such as Retinol, Adapalene Gel, Tea Tree Oil, Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, or Azelaic Acid that works double hard to get rid of pimples. However, in order to know which one is the best suited for your condition, consult your dermatologist.

We hate to join the preachy bandwagon but drinking a minimum 8 glasses of water is non-negotiable. Staying dehydrated would result in excess oil production, encouraging the growth of pimples.

The Takeaway Pimples are offending and put us through a continuous cycle that begins at ‘how to remove pimples from face’ and leads to ‘how to get rid of pimple scars’ till we finally figure out ‘how to avoid pimples’. Teenagers take time understanding their skin profile, learning that pimples are not that complicated and eventually get around to fixing their skin troubles after trying every pimple tip in the book.Now that you have a list of tips to remove pimples and have learnt how to clear pimples, irrespective of the plan you choose to implement to bid adieu to pimples, keeping patience is always integral. Trying to get rid of pimples overnight might be a temporary fix but any foolproof prevention plan always takes some time before it starts showing results!

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2020 Dark Knuckles Solution

2020 Dark Knuckles Solution

Dark knuckles have a way of disfiguring one’s fingers, and it can be a real pain to deal with.

With dark knuckles, you find it difficult to flaunt your fingers as much as you’d like.

You can imagine getting your nails done, and you can’t post pictures on social media because your knuckles are darker than the rest of your skin?

Very painful I know, not to worry the remedy is right here.

1. Lemon Juice and Sugar

Lemon is great when it comes to skin lightening, the properties in lemon make them great for getting rid of dark knuckles.

Just Mix some lemon juice with sugar to make an exfoliating scrub, then use this on the affected areas before you go to bed.

2. Baking Soda and Coconut Oil

Baking soda is super great for lightening dark knuckles because of its bleaching properties.

And Coconut oil, on the other hand, works to moisturize the skin and restore its shine.

The two work together as a scrub to remove dead skin cells and reveal glowing skin.

3. Lemon Juice and Honey Mix

Honey is good for the skin, it makes it glow. And lemons is a natural lightener so this is a great combination to clear the dark patches on your skin.

The fact with all this product is that they are all natural product without side effect, so make sure you use them consistently until you get the result you want.

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See How To Lighten Dark Underarm Permanently Without Wasting Money

We pay great heed to taking care of our face, hands and feet, however, underarm skin may be one of the most neglected parts of our skin because it remains covered most of the times. However, if you like adorning flowy sleeveless dresses, dark underarms are something that you would not want to expose. If your underarms have darkened over the years, does that mean you should bid farewell to sleeveless clothes? Well, not anymore! Because in this post we shall discuss some effective natural remedies for dark underarms that may help you in flaunting your beautiful sleeveless dresses.

How to Get Rid of Dark Underarms Naturally?

The underarm skin is very delicate and sensitive and thus is easily prone to various kinds of skin damage such as pigmentation, ingrown hair, harsh-effects of deodorants, skin infection etc. This small area of skin can undergo a lot and thus may lead to darkened skin. However, if you are interested in knowing how to get rid of dark underarms and brighten them up, we suggest that you follow some of our easy Natural remediesm

1. Aloe Vera

If you are looking for some natural ways of brightening your underarm skin, aloe vera is the answer!

What You Will Need

A fresh aloe leaf

How to Apply

Take the fresh aloe leaf and slit it from the centre.

Scoop out the aloe gel and place it in a bowl.

Take liberal amounts of this gel and rub on your underarms and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.

Wash with tepid water and pat dry.

Alternatively, you can use organic aloe gel too.

How This Works

Aloe vera gel consists of aloesin, a compound that inhibits the growth of the enzyme that is responsible for skin pigmentation. Aloe vera is also antibacterial and is hence excellent for soothing and removing any skin of inflammation.

How Often to Repeat

You can apply aloe gel every alternate day till you see the skin getting brighter.

2. Turmeric Powder

Turmeric is an active ingredient in many herbal skin care products for its skin lightening properties, and thus it can help deal with your dark underarm woes too.

What You Will Need

A teaspoon of organic turmeric powder

A teaspoon of milk

A teaspoon of honey

How to Apply

Take all the ingredients and mix well.

Apply on the underarms and leave for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash with warm water.

How This Works

Turmeric is a natural bleaching agent and thus helps in lightening dark underarms.

How Often to Repeat

You can apply this remedy twice a week.

3. Tea Tree Oil

This magical remedy not only helps in getting get of dark underarms but they smell great too.

What You Will Need

1 cup distilled water

5- 6 drops of tea tree oil

A spray bottle

How to Apply

Mix tea tree oil in water and pour it into the spray bottle.

Shake well and apply on your underarms and let it dry.

How This Works

Tea tree oil is loaded with antioxidant properties that help in brightening the skin and antimicrobial properties help in fighting the sweaty smell, keeping your underarms dewy fresh too.

How Often to Repeat

You can use it every day.

4. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice work wonders for brightening your dark underarms.

What You Will Need

One lemon cut into two halves

How to Apply

Take the lemon and rub on your underarms.

Wash with tepid water after 10 minutes.

How This Works

Lemon juice is a defoliant and a natural bleaching agent because it contains high amounts of citric acid in it.

How Often to Repeat

You can use lemon juice 3 to 4 times a week.

5. Fuller’s Earth or Multani Mitti

For centuries Multani mitti has been in use for brightening the facial skin, and this works well for underarms too.

What You Will Need

1 tablespoon fuller’s earth

½ teaspoon lemon juice

Few drops of water

How to Apply

Take fuller’s earth and add lemon juice and water in it.

Make a thick paste and apply this paste on your underarms until it dries off.

Rinse well with water.

How It Works

Fuller’s earth is excellent for unclogging the pores and removing all the impurities from the skin. It also aids in the removal of dead skin cells.

How Often to Repeat

You can apply this pack twice a week.

6. Potato

Potato is one of the cheapest ways to get beautiful underarms.

What You Will Need

One small potato

How to Apply

Grate the potato and extract its juice.

Apply this juice with the help of a cotton ball and let the juice sit on your skin for 15 minutes.

Wash with tepid water.

How It Works

Potatoes are great for dark underarms as they not only help in brightening them, but they are also great for reducing patchiness and itching.

How Often to Repeat

You can use potato once or twice a day until you get the desired results.

7. Rose Water

Apart from toning your skin, the fragrant rose water is also ideal for brightening the underarms.

What You Will Need

1 tablespoon organic rose water

1 tablespoon baking soda

How to Apply

Make a paste using rose water and baking soda.

Apply the rosewater-baking soda paste on your underarms and leave it for 6 to 7 minutes. Rinse well.

How It Works

Rose water is loaded with multiple skin benefits. It helps soothe your skin, improves blood circulation, brightens the skin, helps in maintaining the pH balance of the skin amongst various other benefits. The added advantage of skin exfoliation is achieved by adding baking soda.

How Often to Repeat

You can use the rosewater remedy twice a week.

8. Sunflower Oil

Sunflower oil is fantastic for your underarm skin as it contains high amounts of vitamin E in it.

What You Will Need

Few drops of organic sunflower oil

How to Apply

Take the oil and apply on liberally on your underarms.

Massage gently and leave for 20 minutes.

Wash with warm water.

How It Works

Sunflower oil is excellent for giving natural radiance and freshness to the skin because it contains ample amounts of vitamin E.

How Often to Repeat

You can apply sunflower oil twice a day for best results.

9. Cucumber

Cucumbers contain skin whitening and brightening properties.

What You Will Need

Few slices of fresh cucumber

How to Apply

Take the cucumber slices and rub all over your armpits.

Allow it to remain on your skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse with water.

How It Works

The skin lightening properties of cucumber help in improving the colour of your armpits. Just the way cucumber helps in reducing dark circles or under-eye bags; it proves fruitful in brightening your armpits too.

How Often to Repeat

You can use cucumbers on a daily basis.

10. Toothpaste

It may sound strange, but toothpaste can actually help in brightening your underarm skin. If you wish to know how to get rid of dark underarms with toothpaste, go through this remedy.

What You Will Need

Any toothpaste which contains baking soda and lesser amounts of fluoride.

How to Apply

Take the toothpaste and apply a thin layer on your armpits.

Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse with water.

How It Works

The same ingredients that help in making your teeth brighter help in removing tan or pigmentation from your underarm area too.

How Often to Repeat

You can use the toothpaste treatment two to three times a day.


Following are some frequently asked questions or FAQs about dark underarms:

1. How Can I Prevent My Armpits from Getting Dark?

If your excess weight or some other health condition is causing your armpits to become darker than usual, then you should you take measures to control the situation. However, if the use of certain medication is causing it, you may ask your doctor to change the prescription. Also, darker underarms are more prevalent in people who shave their underarm hair. Shaving may make the area harder and darker. Therefore, you should opt for other methods of hair removal.

2. Does Waxing Remove Dark Underarms?

Waxing helps in removing unwanted hair from any part of the body. Along with hair, waxing also helps in getting rid of dead skin cells and skin tanning. Waxing is not exactly a remedy for brightening the underarms but getting rid of tan and dead skin cells may make your underarm skin appears lighter and brighter than usual.

3. Does Shaving Underarms Make it Dark?

Shaving is undoubtedly one of the easiest and painless ways of removing unwanted hair. However, it may not be an ideal method of removing unwanted hair. This is because shaving the delicate areas such as underarms causes excessive friction and trauma to the area. Repetitive friction may make the skin of that area thicker. Thicker skin may appear darker or may appear pigmented after a while.

4. Can Using Deodorant Cause Dark Underarms?

Deodorants usually contain harsh chemicals. Your underarm skin is very delicate and sensitive and exposing it to chemicals may cause irritation, pigmentation and skin discolouration of the skin. Therefore, if you use antiperspirants and deodorants on a regular basis it may lead to darker underarms.

Underarms can turn dark because of several reasons. There are several home remedial measures that you can safely adopt to get rid of this skin condition. Though the natural ingredients are safe for the skin, however, if you have sensitive skin or your skin is prone to allergies, a patch test is highly recommended. Also, skin exfoliation, regular cleaning, waxing instead of shaving, maintaining a healthy weight are amongst some other things that you can keep in mind too.

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See A Year Old Baby Born Alive With Tail

Baby Born With A Tail is A Year Old Now: See Pictures

This baby was born with a tail in Indian state Kerala

Fact Check:

A set of strange pictures were shared on WhatsApp and social media alleging to show a Baby was Born With Tail in India. The pictures appeared with different claims saying the incident happened in Kerala and Kadapa. Although the pictures were real, the accompanying claims are not true.

Not in India

The strange pictures in fact show a baby born with tail in Columbia. A Facebook user shared them as news on 14th June 2019. The pictures doing rounds on social media and image sharing websites stunned many viewers, but it is not so very rare and there are biological reasons to it.

Around sixth week of gestation, the human fetus (embryo) possesses a tail, complete with several vertebrae. However, in the next couple of weeks, the tail disappears as the vertebrae fuse to form the tailbone. In rare cases, human infants are born with a vestigial tail. Usually, such tails lack vertebrae and are harmless. Some such cases are associated with Spina Bifida, i.e. failure of the vertebrae to completely enclose the spinal cord. Typically, such newborns with tail undergo surgery to remove it without complication.

Image of Muslim baby born with tail in Kharar, India

Muslim baby born with tail in Kharar, India

Although the pictures do not show a baby with tail in India, there are some such noted cases in India and elsewhere. Around 2002, a Muslim baby in Kharar (Punjab) was born with a ‘tail’ and was believed to be the reincarnation of Hindu god, Lord Hanuman. The baby boy had a tail 4 inches long and father Qureshi said he had nine spots on body like the Hindu deity. In 2015, a baby boy Yang Yang in China had a 6-inch tail at birth. The boy’s family nicknamed him ‘little monkey’. In his 11 months, however, doctors removed the tail surgically.

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See Ways To Remove Pimples Permanently Overnight

See How to Clear Pimples Permanently Overnight

Are you looking for the best home remedy for pimples overnight? There are some natural and effective ways to get rid of pimples overnight.

Pimple is one of the most common skin conditions in the world, affecting almost everyone at some point in their life. Pimples is mainly caused when pores (holes) in your skin get block by dead skin cells and oil.

Each pore is connected to an oily gland lying under your skin, which produces an oily substance called sebum. The problem occurs when sebum is extra produce; as a result, it plugs up pore

So don’t worry, guys. I will share with you some promising and effective best home remedy for acne overnight and ways to get rid of pimples, but first, let dive into what causes pimple?

What Causes Pimples?

Occasionally pimples are simply a result of cosmetic product reaction, or the food you eat may be the culprit.

But some other factors can contribute to pimples popping on your skin.


If either of your parents had pimples, then it is more likely you will also have it sooner or later in your life. So yes, genetics plays a role in pimples.


Horrmonal imbalance effect on pimples

Sex hormones name androgens start increasing during puberty stage in boys and girls cause the follicular glands to enlarge as a result more sebum is produced and so pimples due to excessive sebum.

The use of oral contraceptives and medical conditions like pregnancy can also affect sebum production.

3. Drugs

Drugs effect on pimples

Particular medicine can also be responsible for pimples. These include steroids antiepileptic medications


Smoking affect on pimples and face

Smoking is injurious to health; that’s a different matter. We didn’t take it seriously, but did you know that it is also bad for skin?

Every cigarette you smoke can decrease the amount of oxygen supply to your face as well as smoke also irritate the skin, causing it to produce more oil. As a result, it causes breakouts on your skin.

Aside from causing breakouts in the face, the breakdown of elastin and collagen may open pores.

Why We Recommend Pimples Treatment At Home

So you guys might be wondering why we recommend pimples treatment at home?

The answer is because pimples treatment at home is safer if you have not severe pimple. After all, medication of pimples includes many drugs.

For topical pimple drug, the most common side effects are irritation and dryness. So by using home remedies for pimple treatment can have little to no impact on the skin.

So always first use home remedies if it is not doing well then switch to other means. Below I will discuss the best home remedy for pimples overnight.

Best Natural Remedies that Cures piimples Overnight

It is not possible to completely remove pimple with even the best home remedy for pimple overnight. Still, you can achieve better results after using these below home remedies for pimples regularly.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe is one of the most effective and natural home remedy for pimple overnight.

Aloe Vera is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It can reduce the appearance of pimple and put a stop to pimple breakouts. Aloe Vera can pull the dirt and other impurities from skin (extra oil) and can be very beneficial to prevent pimple breakout.

Also, it is an inexpensive remedy you can grow aloe Vera in your backyard and can also purchase aloe Vera gel from any beauty shop or pharmacy.

How to use Aloe Vera Gel

Simply apply aloe Vera gel or cream on the affected area and leave it overnight and then simply wash it out in the morning. It will reduce the redness and irritation of pimple

2. Honey for Pimples

When it comes to natural home remedies for skin, how can someone forget the benefits of honey? Honey known for its anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the redness, swelling, and irritation of pimple

Honey contains many antioxidants that can lend a helping hand in treating pimple Honey is also a natural humectant, which means it preserves the skin moisture and prevents the problem like peeling and skin dryness caused by other pimple treatment.

How To Use Honey For Pimples

Apply honey on the pimples and leave it for about 10 minutes after rinse thoroughly with warm water


Garlic is known for its antibacterial properties and natural health benefits like better blood pressure, low cholesterol, reduce risk of heart disease can also be very effective in treating pimples.

Many traditional health experts use garlic in treating diseases and infection. Also, it boosts the immune system of the body to fight infection and germs.

Garlic also contains some vitamins and minerals that assume to be useful for treating pimples; also, it has a compound called allicin that is known for reducing inflammation and offer antioxidant properties.

How To Use Garlic For Treating Pimples

If you have a severe type of pimples, try to add more garlic to your diet. It’s up to you how you want to eat garlic like you can chew whole garlic cloves add a paste of it to your bread. Also, you can use garlic powder and capsules you can buy it from natural health stores. Many online sources recommend applying it directly to your pimples, but it can irritate as it contains enzymes called alliinase. So always use it carefully according to your skin reaction.

4. Green Tea for Treating Acne At Home

Green tea is especially rich in epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a polyphenol that has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and antioxidant properties.

People with pimples have extra sebum or natural body oil but not enough antioxidants.

Antioxidants help out the body as it breaks the chemicals and waste material that can damage the healthier cells. Green tea can also assist in clearing the waste and debris that has been built in the open pores.

How To Use Green Tea For Treating Pimples

Wet some leaves of green tea with warm water

Mix the wet leaves with aloe Vera gel or honey

Apply it to the acne affected area

Leave It For About 10 to 20 minutes

Rinse it off with Luke warm water

5. Egg Whites For Treating Pimples At Home

Egg white contains lysozyme and albumin, which have antibacterial properties.

Lysozyme can protect our body by destroys the bacteria from entering our body from small passages.

Further, egg white cleans the skin pores from bacteria and dirt and leave the skin tight.

How To Apply Egg white

First, wash your face and remove any makeup you have after that apply egg white directly on your face and leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse it off with Luke warm water.

6.Coconut Oil For Pimples Treatment At Home

Like other effective home remedies for pimples, Coconut oil contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Coconut Oil is high in lauric acid, which is known for killing pimple-causing bacteria and other germs.

It also moisturizes the skin and heals the open acne sores. Reduce redness and swelling of pimples.

How To Apply Coconut Oil For Treating Acne

Choose an organic virgin coconut oil and apply it directly to your acne affected area. You can leave it overnight or wash it off after 10 to 15 minutes with a mild facial cleanser.

7. Rosemary Herbs For Pimples Treatment

Rosemary oil can effectively manage sebum production. As extra sebum causes pimples, So by managing it well can be useful for your skin as your pores will be clearer, and your skin will be less oily.

Rosemary also contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties.

A study in 2013 on mice models and human cells proposes that rosemary extract can reduce the inflammation caused by bacteria responsible for acne.

How to apply Rosemary Herb For Pimples

You can drink in rosemary oil or apply it to your skin directly. If you want to use it topically, you can dilute it with some carrier oil like olive oil to avoid irritation.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar for Treating Acne

Apple cider vinegar has a variety of uses also believed to have many health benefits.

It has anti-fungal and antibacterial substances keeping your skin bacteria, dirt, and oil-free. It also reduces the appearance of pimples scars.

How to Apply Apple Cider Vinegar For Pimples Treatment

Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar and 3 part of water (use more water for sensitive skin). After that, cleanse your face with lukewarm water and apply the mixture with a cotton ball on your face and leave it for 20 seconds. Rinse it with water and dry with a soft towel. Repeat this process 1-2 times per day.

9. Take A Zinc Supplement

Zinc is required by the body’s immune system to work properly. Zinc is also an essential nutrient important for cell growth, metabolism, and also for the function of the immune system.

In one study, 48 acne patients were given oral zinc supplements three times per day. After eight weeks, 38 patients experienced an 80–100% reduction in pimples.

Also, it is crucial to note applying zinc directly on the skin can not be effective due to the reason as it may not be absorbed by the skin properly.

How to Use Zinc Supplement For Acne

The recommended dose, which contains 25-50 mg of zinc, is to be taken three to five times daily. For pimples: 30-150 mg elemental zinc daily has been used.

10. Exfoliate Regularly For Pimples

Exfoliation is the process of removing the top layer of dead skin cells. It can be done mechanically by using brush or scrubs to remove the dead skin cells physically.

It can also be done through chemicals by applying acid, and it will absorb the upper layer of skin and remove dead skin cells.

Exfoliation makes the treatment for acne, whether it is home remedies for pimples or medical treatment, more effective as by allowing them to penetrate deeper by removing the upper layer of skin.

There is a large variety of products available in the market for exfoliation, but you can also make a scrub at home using salt and sugar.

How To Make A Scrub At Home For Pimples

Mix equal part of sugar and salt in a bowl. Scrub the skin with the mixture well and rinse. Exfoliate as often as required.

Tips To Getting Rid Of Pimples

While you might take very best care of your skin with skincare products like acne cream and gel, even then those messy pimples pop out.

So you might want to look at your lifestyle and daily habits. Here below are some everyday practices that might rectify your pimples.

1. Touching your face constantly

Touching your face again and again may or may not causes pimples, but it can make it worse. As in our daily routine, we do a lot of things that make our hands come in contact with germs, bacteria, and dirt.

So when we touch our face repeatedly, the bacteria and germs can easily transfer to our face by doing so, it can trigger breakouts and make the pimple worse.

How To fix It

Keep your hands off your skin, but Question is how can we do that if we are addicted to that habit of always touching your face. So you can do it keep busy your hand, or if you are sitting at a table or desk, avoid the habit of putting your elbows on the table. Besides, it keeps washing your hands, so if you can’t manage to stop touching your face. So then it’s not a big deal if your hand is clean and you touch your face.

2. An Unhealthy Diet

Balanced diets always play a vital role in the health of a person. A balanced diet consisting of essential nutrients and minerals can have a very positive effect on health.

But if you are not eating your meal on time and eating junk food and carbs can have adverse effects on the skin in the form of pimples.

How To Fix It

While sometimes, it’s okay to have some junk food as a special pleasure but try to include vegetables and fruits to maintain a well-organized diet. And also don’t forget to drink at least 7 to 10 glass of water daily.

3. Taking stress can also cause pimples

Stress is a major reason for acne because, under pressure, your skin produces stress hormones that stimulate the oil glands producing more testosterone.

As a result, more oil is produced, which clogged your pores, and hence pimple pop out.

How To Fix It

Make certain you spend 15 to 20 minutes every day doing meditation, yoga, or exercise. It will help breathe new life into your mind or body, which in turn enables you to lower your stress levels.

4. Not Washing Your Face Properly

Girl washing her face

It is essential to wash your face correctly with medicated cleansers twice a day, but washing with hard cleanser to often can make the Pimples worse or also skin drier.

Not washing your face after a sweaty day or sleeping with makeup can also result in a breakout or pimples

How To Fix It

Keep your beautiful face clean wash it once or twice a day with a mild soap or face wash. Also, before going to bed, make your habit of removing makeup and washing your skin with a cleanser. If you have pimples, then skip the facial scrub and also make sure any item that comes in contact with your skin is clean like your makeup brushes, towels, and other belongings. Also, make sure to use separate towels for hair and skin.

5. Not Using The Right Hair Products

Hair product causing pimples

The hair products you use daily such as shampoo, gels, conditioner, and hair spray, contain many strong chemicals like silicones, sulfates, and Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). That can have many harmful effects on your hair as well as on your skin.

How To Fix It

To protect yourself from these chemicals, make sure after washing your hair, no residue of these chemicals is left on your face neck or chest area. Dandruff, too, can be a culprit. Wash your hair on a regular comb it backward, So that your hair is tied back and any use of hair product on it can not irritate your facial skin too much.

6. Not Changing The Pillowcases Effect On Facial Skin

Pillow case responsible for pimples

Dirty pillowcase and bed sheet can also be held responsible for pimples breakout.

As it causes dirt to settle on our skin and face clogging the pores. So the cleaner your bedding, the happier it will be your skin.

How To Fix It

Try changing your pillow once in a week also use a pillow made up of natural fabric.

7.Using The Wrong Detergent


You might not agree on this to be the reason for acne or pimple, but various chemicals in your laundry detergent can be too harsh for your skin.

Your skin may react to the leftover of the chemical on your fabric, Causing pimples on your skin.

How To Fix It

If you are very serious about your acne so you may have to consider changing your detergent.

8. Using The Wrong Skin Care Products

Using beauty products that not go well or not suitable for your skin can be a significant cause of pimples breakouts.

Besides it, if you are a person who has a habit of continually changing beauty products, then it is one of the significant causes of pimple breakout.

As your facial skin is sensitive as compare to your regular skin so the ingredient in different products can irritate the skin and make the pimples pop out.

Furthermore, oil-based greasy makeup can also cause acne or pimples.

How To Fix It

Once you find out the product that goes well with your skin type, don’t switch to another one; also, if you can’t do without makeup, then use water-based cosmetics instead. Always look for natural skin care products since products with chemicals can cause pimples.

9. Not Cleaning Up After Exercise

Sweating loosens up all the dirt and makeup(if applied). If it is not clean up after a workout, it can block the pores resulting in pimples.

How To Fix It

Make it your habit to properly wash your face or skin after an intense workout. Sprinkling will not do any good rather, try to use mild face wash.

10. Popping or Squeezing Your Pimple

Pimple or acne irritation is one of the worse, and the person can’t control to rub or squeeze the pimple.

But it will not do any good and make the condition even worse as it pushes the bacteria in pimple deeper into the skin.

It might cause more redness and swelling; squeezing can also leave scars and pits on your skin try your best to avoid the habit of squeezing or popping the pimple.

How To Fix It

Try using antibiotics and retinoid cream, which will help in drying the pimples. Also, do warm and cold compress as it will decrease the inflammation.

11. Using Your Smartphone Too Often

Smartphones, when pressed against your facial skin, can be one of the main and common causes of pimples.

When you placed smartphones on your skin while talking to someone, the bacteria, germs, dirt, dust, and other unwanted particles pressed into the pores eventually result in pimples.

How To Fix It

Always use handsfree while talking to your loved ones as it much good from pressing your phone against your skin.

12. Consuming Dairy Products Daily

Dairy products can also be held responsible if you consume daily.

When we digest the protein present in the milk, they release a hormone similar to insulin, called IGF-1. This hormone is known for trigging breakout.

How To Fix It

Reduce your consumption of dairy products.


These are some common questions people frequently asked about pimples

Should I moisturize at night if I have pimples?

Yes, you can moisturize your skin at night if you have acne as it will make the skin hydrated and moist, which is useful to prevent drying of skin and increase of bacteria, which can cause pimples.

Does ice help pimples?

Yes, to some extent, it reduces the inflammation of your pimples, and by reducing inflammation, the Pimples is less noticeable.

Also, ice has the potential to reduce the redness of inflammatory pimples, thus make your acne appearance less noticeable.

What can a dermatologist do to get rid of acne?

If your pimples is getting severe and worse, so it’s better to consult a dermatologist.

Dermatologists may give you antibiotics to kill the germs and bacteria causing pimples. Hormonal therapy can also be followed for treating some people.

The hormonal therapy includes a low dose of progesterone and estrogen.

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See Animals With Human-Like Characteristics

Hate to break it to you, humans, but you’ve got some animal imposters on the loose. Whether it’s a frowning blobfish or a happy puppy looking like a stoned teenager, animals impersonating humans are taking over the Internet.

Yes, it may be funny to see a fish that spent too much time with a YouTube makeup tutorial, or a monkey with a hipster mustache, but many of these animals that look like humans actually use these traits to survive. Kangaroos with beefy muscles rivaling the cast of The Jet their brawn to fight for the perfect mate. Fish that have human teeth nicer than a grandpa’s dentures need them to eat a balanced omnivore diet.

These animals with human-like characteristics are completely ridiculous, but it’s hard not to love them.


Twitter Is Terrified Of The Dog With A Human Face 

This Catfish Definitely Had Braces In Middle School

This Catfish Definitely Wears Continue reading “See Animals With Human-Like Characteristics”

Dear Ladies, See Story of How To Have A Baby With Bitter Kola

If You’re Struggling For A Baby: This Information is For You

Woman Infertility refers to the inability of a woman getting pregnant.

Some of causes of woman infertility include;

Genetic influence

Environmental factors



Damage or blockage of the fallopian tube



Ovulation problem

Female reproductive cancer

Some certain medication.

Symptoms of Woman Infertility

Some of the symptoms of Woman Infertility include;

Inability to be pregnant


Painful periods

Abnormal periods

No periods

Irregular periods

Abnormal ovulation

Pain during sexual intercourse

Hair loss

Frequent ache

Changes in sex drive

Changes in skin

Woman Infertility Remedy


PREPARATION: You will be taking it with hot pap or hot water. You will get cure if it’s purely biological not spiritual cause.

DOSAGE: One spoon 2 times daily for two weeks.

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