See Girl Born With Heart Outside Her Chest

Girl born with heart OUTSIDE her chest was rushed to hospital after her vulnerable organ was hit at school

Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun-Goncharova, aged 13, was hospitalised after her exposed heart – which can be seen beating outside her chest was injured by a classmate at school.

Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun-Goncharova, aged 8, suffers from thoraco-abdominal syndrome or Pantalogy of Cantrell, a condition so rare that it effects only 1 in a million births.

The little girl is trying to live a normal life but her best efforts to function at school were crushed recently when a classmate hit her in her vulnerable heart, causing the little girl to be hospitalised.

Her mum, Dari Borun, shared an Instagram post this week showing the little girl lying in a hospital bed strapped up with heart monitors.

Virsaviya “Bathsheba” Borun-Goncharova, aged 13, was hospitalised after she was hit in her heart(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

Her mum Dari Borun shared a video of the pair in hospital(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

Dari said that the pair have had severe difficulties since December with Virsaviya being in hospital frequently.

She said: “Virsaviya got hit in school to her heart today by mistake just because one boy is not being nice and careful around her all the time .

“So she was vomiting since that time, she was complaining that she feel pain in her heart, belly and head and that she feel cold . We are in the emergency room for so long , hungry and tired.

She suffers from thoraco-abdominal syndrome or Pantalogy of Cantrell and her heart is visible outside her chest(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

The a condition is so rare that it effects only 1 in a million births(Image: dariborun/Instagram)

“Her heart is not stable, oxygen is low,’ she said.

Dari moved the pair from their native Russia to the US in 2015 in the hope she could have life-prolonging surgery.

But after medical tests, doctors refused to operate as the little girl’s blood pressure was too high.

But Dari is adamant that her daughter’s health can and will be improved.

Virsaviya is taking medication to reduce her blood pressure and her mum hopes once it is at a stable level surgeons will operate.

The family have a fundraising page where they are raising money to help them cover expensive American medical bills.

Virsaviya moved with her mum from Russia to America in the hope that she could have surgery(Image: Instagram / dariborun)

But doctors refused to operate after medical tests showed that she had high blood pressure(Image: Instagram / dariborun)

The little girl has very complex medical needs. Her heart can be visibly seen beating outside her chest with only a thin layer of skin to protect it.

And as well as having her heart and intestines outside her chest since birth, she is also missing part of her chest bones and abdominal muscles, and doesn’t have a diaphragm.

But she is still a vibrant little girl who loves ponies, dancing, Beyonce and drawing.

She said: “When I’m getting dressed, I put soft clothes on to not hurt my heart.

“I walk around, I jump, I fly, I run, I’m not supposed to run but I love running.”

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Published by UnyiMatt

UnyiMatt is female Nigerian Blogger with God-Given Passion to disseminate reliable information that will help readers and Society at large.

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